One of the coolest animations of 2021, "The Mitchell Family and Revolt of the Machines" was released exclusively on Netflix during the pandemic and brings the story of a family on a roadtrip with a mission to take Katie, the oldest daughter, to college in another city. The challenges, in addition to a somewhat troubled family relationship (especially between Katie and her father), begin even when an artificial intelligence decides to subjugate humanity.
The animation is one of those cases where the production makes use of technology to bring a differentiated look giving greater context to the film, in this case a mixture of 3D and 2D, with an identity comparable to what "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" made a last year. Following the trend of the most recent films, especially those in animation, there was the publication of the artbook of "The Mitchell Family and the Revolt of the Machines", which brings several pre-production sketches, character concepts and scenarios, where all ideas are put on paper (or computer) with a lot of experimentation, until the final look presented in the film.
The issue in particular is that this artbook won an official free digital version for access by fans or the curious and can be accessed by clicking aqui.